Thursday, February 25, 2021

Monday, February 15, 2021

 When I went out this morning into the single-digit windchill and recently fallen snow, I noticed that the wipers on my car had been pulled up. As a Floridian, I never remember to do that before a storm. The other cars near mine also had their wipers up. I think one of my neighbors went out to do their car, and just decided to help some of their neighbors out. I was heartwarmed!

I ended up having to dig my car out tonight and there were literal three-inch thick sheets of ice on the windshield, so I was real happy my wipers were up....

Saturday, February 13, 2021

Ari wanted to make some special desserts for Valentine's Day- red velvet with vanilla bean frosting.

Ari did all the piping and decorating on the vanilla bean batch, but I wanted some with cream cheese frosting too. 

Friday, February 5, 2021

I used to make my mom a Boston cream pie every year for her birthday, but then I moved to Ohio and I haven't made one in years. I had some leftover pastry cream from last week's projects so I made this on a whim.