Tuesday, December 22, 2020

Solstice dessert- cream tart with orange curd (and gold sparkles on top)


Monday, December 21, 2020

 This year, I'm feeling the turning of the year very sharply, and today is a day to hope for brighter days in future. Merry Yule!

Saturday, December 12, 2020


This week's project: cream horns! (it was Owain's idea)

We used sugar cones as molds (covered with foil and sprayed with oil), because I do not own cream horn molds. And then I folded some whipped cream into some pastry cream for the filling.

Thursday, December 3, 2020

 I gave my students an assignment where, for credit, I asked them to upload cute animal pictures for me. Now they're all sending me cute pictures of their pets and I regret absolutely nothing about this. (This assignment is part of their weekly practice exercises and instead of a practice exercise, I asked them to please do their student evals for my class and like, type something or upload a pic to get credit)